Felt Baubles (12 Days of Create-Mas)


What You Will Need:

Let’s Create!


1.) Select your fibre colours and lay out all your equipment

2.) Roll a small piece of the White Corriedale sliver in a ball roughly 2cm. Using your needle, puncture the fibre in an up and down motion. Being careful not to pull the fibre sideways as it may break the tip of the needle. Keep working at the fibre until it is a solid ball. Set Aside.

3.) Using the Red Corriedale Sliver, wrap the fibre tightly around three fingers. The tighter the roll the easier it is to work at. Using the same technique puncture the fibre firstly along the face of the fibre, then on the sides to form a triangle shape.

4.) Once you are happy with the firmness and size of the triangle, measure the base and wrap another piece of the White Corriedale fibre. Work as you did in step one and 2.

5.) To join all three pieces together by pushing the needle through the two pieces. The barbs on the needle with knot the fibre together, creating one piece.

6.) To attach the string, firstly push the needle in the top of the bauble and gently create a small hole. This will make it easier to feed through. Get your thread and push it through with the end of the needle and tie the ends. You have just made a Christmas Bauble!!

Once you have made this first one the possibilities are endless. You can mix up the colours or keep it classic, it is really up to you! I have made some examples below to give you some inspiration.

We would love to see your designs so tag us in your photos on Instagram or up upload them in the comments section on our Facebook post. We can’t wait to see them all!

All equipment can be purchased from Green Living Australia www.greenlivingaustralia.com.au

Happy Creating!

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