Green Living Australia


Green Living Australia is an Australian owned and operated company located south of Brisbane. The business evolved from a need to create home-made, preservative free, additive free foods, and chemical free body products to combat the ever increasing food allergy and chemical sensitivity within our society. From this, Green Living Australia has built a strong community, providing pure cultures, equipment and education for conscious foodies to fill their dietary requirements and gourmet food cravings and to make all natural body products that are chemical free and sustainable!

With our help Australians are able to produce their own artisan cheeses, from chevre and cream fraiche to feta and camembert, and boutique lacto-ferments, such as kimchi, sauerkraut, natural pickles, kefir and kombucha. We support people in learning the skills needed to take back control of their diets and help develop their confidence to bring back the crafts of home cheesemaking and home preserving.

We believe it is every person’s right, and our society’s responsibility, to know what is in our foods and how they are produced. We want to pull back the curtain and tell all the secrets, and really get people excited about the science and art of cultured foods!


Everything we supply is researched to make sure that we are providing the safest, most sustainable products available!

Our main product lines include cheesemaking kits, yoghurt cultures, lacto-fermentation (probiotic) cultures, and home preserving supplies, natural soap and cosmetic kits and supplies.

Green Living Australia provides kits, accessories and education so you can make your own gourmet cheeses, thick and creamy probiotic yoghurts, non-dairy vegan yoghurts, lacto-fermented veggies, additive free home preserves, and chemical free natural soap and cosmetics. Kits are available for the novice to advanced DIYer to help you take another step in the right direction towards sustainability. Full email and telephone support is provided and 5 hour workshops are held south of Brisbane regularly.

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