End of the Tomato Season and What to Do With All Those Green Tomatoes

The summer garden is ending, and I long to pull everything out and plant my winter crops. I am in the garden every moment I can get there, harvesting tomatoes, capsicums, potatoes, melons, and beets, just to name a few. It has been a productive year, despite the lack of rain. Some things didn’t make it, though. The green beans shrivelled up and died, and the lettuce when to seed in no time at all. But all good things come to an end, and my tomatoes are looking a bit of a mess now.

When it is finally time to pull them out, I find I always have a collection of green tomatoes to deal with. What to do with them is the question. Well, I have two ideas for you.

Fried Green Tomatoes

I know I know, this is the name of a really great movie, but it is also something wonderful to eat. Just slice them and fry them in butter. It is amazing and super simple.

I serve them seasoned with pink Himalayan salt and drizzled with basil-infused extra virgin olive oil. See my previous blog post on how to make the oil.

Green Tomatoes in Vinegar

This is perfect for those small tomatoes; what you add will depend on what you have on hand and what else is coming out of your garden. I added some small chillies, black mustard seeds, and garlic cloves. Then top up the jar with distilled vinegar. Always use new lids. Then process in the boiling water bath for 20 minutes for a good vacuum seal. This heating process also helps to infuse the vinegar and tomatoes with the garlic and chilli. These are perfect serves with any small goods like salami.

I hate to waste food, and green tomatoes often end up in the compost with the tomato plant when it is pulled out or a few weeks later, after they have been sitting in your fridge while you have been trying to think what you can do with them. I hope that you can use one of these ideas in your home.

As always, live well.


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2 Replies to “End of the Tomato Season and What to Do With All Those Green Tomatoes”

  1. Hi Valerie, I discovered a recipe online for Green Tomato Spiced Cake. It makes a very tasty and moist cake and can help to use up some of the abundance of green tomatoes. I also add chopped green tomatoes in soups, stews, stir fries etc. They give a nice tang to the dish. Hope this can help others.

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